Saturday, May 2, 2009

How I became Ninety two. . .

No, my age isn't ninety two. It's my vendor number. The number I put on all my merchandise.

OK... I've thought about this for a long time. I've considered setting up a shop on Etsy. I've even thought about Ebay. I decided to go back to what I know. In another life, I worked at a local hardware store. During my last few years there, the hardware store used a large portion of it's upstairs floor space as a collectible mall. I learned alot about antiques and collectibles from a great group of people.

Our town already had one big antique and collectible mall, and the hardware store was just down the street. It seemed like a good decision to use the empty upstairs floor space at the hardware store for booth space, and the Downtown Collectible Mall was born. As the office manager, it was my responsibility to get everyone signed up and keep track of the sales. We advertised for vendors and very quickly the best booths were taken. Many of the same people that had booths at the Antique Mall, also signed up at the DCM.

The Downtown Collectible Mall had a good run. I left employment with the hardware store in 2003, but I continued to have a booth at the mall until the store closed in 2005.

So much for the history lesson. I'm ninety two! I've been crocheting and making a few cute items. I also got up in the attic and found a couple of boxes of leftover mall items. I ran into a girlfriend at a craft show and asked her about her booth at the mall. She told me that they had some space available, so I decided to spend my stimulus money on a booth at the mall.

The DH and I went in the mall on Saturday and found a small affordable booth. They only had space available upstairs, but that is fine. I've shopped at the mall for years, and I know that most people go through the east side downstairs and then go upstairs.

On my next trip, I signed the contract, paid my booth rent, crudely measured my space and was assigned my number - 92.

Let the craziness begin!

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